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How to Play Everything by Michael Buble - Part 2

Play Michael Buble's Everything on the Piano - Part 2

The Verse Endings

You'll notice when listening to the verses that the ending of some of the verses is slightly different (just as the ending on the intro lick). In fact, in the verse, the ending follows the same harmony as in the intro so it makes it easier on you.

Just as in the intro, there is a part toward the middle of the verses (where he sings "And you play it coy...and it's kinda cute!..." where the ending of the verse progression is slightly different. The difference is simply going to the Gminor(maj7) sound to A7b9 (or put Bb in the bass which I often do in the video) that we already outlined in the previous section. Or, as shown in this video, you can do G major (B-D-G) moving to G minor (Bb-D-G). The cool thing about this song as that you can take some liberties with how you want the turnarounds to sound. By not playing it the same way every time you'll be able to make the song more your own and you'll likely have more fun with it.

Practice arpeggiating each of the chords in your right hand so that you get used to their sound and feel under your fingers. Next, try playing the song with all different chord inversions. See if you can play this verse progession in as many ways as you possibly can. By doing this, you'll get more comfortable with the verse progression overall.

The Chorus

Now we're onto the chorus which is a very cool part of the song with some interesting things happening. Let's check out what they are...

First off, remember to listed to the rhythm. The chorus rhythm is very similar to the verse in that it makes use of those pushes again.

The first chord of the verse on the words "in this crazy..." is a g major add 9. The melody is holding the 9 of the chord which is the A note that is being sung. In your hands you'll just play:

G major 9: LH: G, RH: D-G-B-D

Then the chord moves to an A major chord by pushing the beat:

A major: LH: A, RH: E-A-C#-E

Then you'll go to the following chords on "...life"

D major: LH: D, RH: F#-A-D

Bminor: LH: B, RH: F#-B-D

Next, when he says "...these crazy times", he plays the same G and A chords in his right hand except on the word "crazy" this time he is sining a C# instead of a A. Now after this it gets interesting:

Like usual, after the A major chord you will go to the D major chord. Next, however, you are going to make the D major chord into a dominant 7 chord when he starts singing "it's you, it's you..."

D7: LH: D, RH: D-F#-A-C

Next, you'll follow the chord progression shown below:

G major: LH: G, RH: D-G-B

F#7: LH: F#, RH: C#-E-A#

Bminor (root position): LH: B, RH: B-D-F#-B

B7/D#: LH: D#, RH: B-D#-F#-A

E major: LH: E, RH: B-E-G#

Once you've played through these chords, you're right back into the intro which you've already learned so I won't spell it out for you again here...

>>Click Here to Proceed to Part 3 of Michael Buble's Everything Free Piano Lesson

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