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Conducting Lessons in Spencerville, MD

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Spencerville Conducting Teachers Available for Lessons

Marc Donnelly, M.M.

Marc Donnelly, M.M.

Silver Spring, MD - Conducting Lessons

(contact me)I work as an organist and choir director in Derwood, MD near Gaithersburg and have a teaching studio in Silver Spring, MD near downtown. Lessons could take place at either location or in the student's home if necessary. I have a beautiful mohagany baby grand Cristofori for students to play in Silver Spring and a very nice Yamaha U1 in Derwood.I will work patiently with y...

Virtuosa Studios

Virtuosa Studios

Silver Spring, MD - Conducting Lessons

Private Piano Instruction with a Musical Genius with over 30 years experience! ♫ Any Age: Children through Adults welcome! ♫ Any Style: All styles expertly taught! Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Jazz, Blues, Bluegrass, Rock, Gospel and more! ♫ Any Level: Beginners through Advanced and Professionals! ♫ Any Goals: Come in for a one time lesson, or just come in to learn your favorit...

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