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Composition Lessons in North Salt Lake, UT

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North Salt Lake Composition Teachers Available for Lessons

Knighton Piano Studio

Knighton Piano Studio

Bountiful, UT - Composition Lessons

HELLO UTAH!! My name is Kathy Knighton and I am a music educator. I have opened a piano studio in the Bountiful Music store this fall. I hope to bring a different kind of piano experience to Davis County. I have lived and taught piano lessons in Woodbridge Virginia for fifteen years. I have five grown children and ten grandchildren. I was raised in Bountiful and look forward to this move back to my hometown.I love music and have alwa...

Piano Prodigies

Piano Prodigies

Layton, UT - Composition Lessons

I have been teaching private lessons for over 20 years and thoroughly enjoy it. I have learned over the years that one size does not fit all when it comes to piano teaching. Each student is unique in how they grasp concepts and I work to find the best teaching method for individual.I work to foster a sense of ability in the student that helps them be responsible for their learning. This allows them to own their talent and enjoy pla...

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