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How to Play New York State of Mind by Billy Joel - Part 1

Billy Joel Piano Lesson - New York State Of Mind Part 1

The first part of this piano lesson reviews the intro to Billy Joel's great song New York State of Mind. Remember that in this lesson, the song is performed in the key of Bb (the original key of the song is C). The song is played down a whole step for ease of singing.

The first chord of the intro is a C minor 7chord with the 11 (F) and the 9 (D) added. The chord is (LH: C-G-C, RH: F-G-Bb-D)

The next chord is the same as the first except played up a minor third. The notes of this chord are (LH: Eb-Bb-Eb, RH: Ab-Bb-Db-F)

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