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How to Play Everything by Michael Buble - Part 4

Play Michael Buble's Everything on the Piano - Part 4

The Slow Down Part After First Modulated Chorus

After he plays the first chorus modulated, he lands on a C# minor 7 chord instead of the regular D major chord. This is when he sings "You're everything..." This chord is:

LH: C#, RH: G#-B-C#-E

Then this chord moves to a B major type chord but all you really have to do is lower your left hand note to a B instead of a C#. Also, to hold out this part, you can play up and down a pentatonic scale consisting of the following notes:


After holding out this part, you are going to play the last couple of chords of the intro held out over the vocal. Remember that the intro is modulated up a whole step! After the singing, you'll then just play the intro lick (modulated up a whole step). Next, add in the la-la part (also modulated up a whole step). Once you've completed that, you should have the song learned!

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