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Piano Tree (Maya Martin)

Spanish Fort, AL 36527 (map)

Lessons Offered

Keyboard, Piano

Where are Lessons Offered

Virtual / Online

About Me

I'm a classically trained piano teacher with 13 years' experience. My lessons are warm, upbeat, and filled with a balance of all the skills needed to jumpstart both classical music and pop/blues styles too!

I was homeschooled until college myself, and I am now a Waldorf homeschooling mother to a six year old little girl. When I'm not teaching my students or my daughter, I like to read books, or make knit teddy bears and Waldorf dolls.

All my lessons are online and my students love the convenience :)

I would love the opportunity to contribute to your musical growth! Feel free to contact me no-pressure with any questions.

My Musical Education Background

I began college at age 15 for music theory and performance, and I began my music teaching career in earnest at age 18, well before graduating. I first taught at the Music Academy of Acadiana (in 2014, the year they were voted #1 music academy in the USA out of a pool of 75+ schools), and went on to teach at other private music schools in Austin TX (the "live music capitol"), the Pensacola/Mobile area, then privately, and eventually online as of 2020.

I’m trained in the classical Mayron Cole Method, which is strong on rhythm, reading, and performance skills. My students also gain a good technique and deep understanding of theory and harmony through pop music, blues, and ear training!

I've spent the last six years raising my daughter while continuing to teach privately. Next, I am turning my attention toward studying piano pedagogy (teaching) through the Royal College of Music - as well as resuming private lessons myself, in order to explore pop, jazz, voice, and other areas more deeply. The more I keep learning, the more I can bring to my students!

Genres and Subjects Taught

Classical, pop, blues, new age, acoustic

Piano technique, repertoire, theory, harmony

I will give you a foundation in classical technique and theory, while also giving you the skills to play popular music by chords and lead sheets!

Lesson Rates

30min - $100/mo

45min - $150/mo

60min - $200/mo

Ages / Skill Levels Taught

Ages 7 to adult

My Certifications and Awards

Began my teaching career at the Music Academy of Acadiana in 2014, the year they were chosen #1 private music academy in the nation, out of a pool of 75+.

Continued teaching in Austin TX from there - I even played a show on campus at the Oasis!

Next I am planning to study piano pedagogy through the Royal College of Music.

My Musical Influences

Einaudi, Yiruma, Debussy, Chopin, Alexis Ffrench

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