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Music Lessons in Yucaipa, CA

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Yucaipa Music Teachers Available for Lessons

Teri Martin-Kron

Teri Martin-Kron

Beaumont, CA - Music Lessons

Sara Rosenthal

Sara Rosenthal

Riverside, CA - Music Lessons

I've been taking piano lessons since the age of 4, violin lessons since age 9. My teaching career started with giving private piano lessons in 1999 with only a hand full of students. While attending UC Berkeley full time, I grew more passionate about teaching while commuting 90 miles each weekend, traveling from Berkeley to Sacramento, to educate all of my students. Within three years, the original plan of teaching part-time nearly grew into a fu...

Abba Music Lessons

Abba Music Lessons

Hemet, CA - Music Lessons

I have been teaching for many years.   I love all types of music and have played many different styles from broadway musicals, classical, pop, and jazz. I teach  I teach piano, violin voice and guitar lessons and I want to bring out the best in all my students and encourage them in every step of their progress. I am still very active in music. I am currently playing with the Redlands Community Orchestra and I play with the MSJC Sy...

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