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Attila Szasz Cello Studio

Cary, NC 27511 (map)

Lessons Offered


Where are Lessons Offered

In Teacher Studio

Virtual / Online

About Me

Attila Szasz has garnered recognition for his commanding stage presence, inspiring performances and outstanding cello instruction throughout Asia, Europe and North America.

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Ages / Skill Levels Taught

All ages and levels

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Student Reviews

Cary, NC

After about a year of listening to the beautiful music coming from Attila Szasz’s studio while my sons were in piano and guitar lessons, my husband and I finally decided to sign our 8 year old son up for cello lessons. We couldn’t be happier with this decision! Initially we were hesitant to sign up because neither parent had experience playing a stringed instrument, and did not know if this would affect practice at home during the week. We were also concerned about costs of lessons in addition to instrument rental, and our son’s young age. Attila answered all of our questions, made the whole process simple and economical for us. Attila invites parents and siblings to sit in on lessons. It has made us more comfortable assisting our child with tuning his instrument and reminding him about things like posture, how to hold the bow, etc. We have been so impressed with Attila’s teaching style and the connection he has already made with our child. Lessons are engaging and fun, yet laying a beautiful foundation for technical skill. Lesson pace has been just right for our child. Attila encourages polishing a piece and is not rushing him through content. He is using technology to enhance our lesson experience by recording each lesson for us to go back and listen to later at home. Attila has also introduced cello games for the ipad to keep our son engaged in practice at home. He follows up via email with detailed lesson notes and is always readily available for any questions that come up. Mom’s favorite part of lessons is when Attila will duet with our son from basic things like scales to the pieces being studied. It is a joy to hear him play or improvise even the simplest pieces with our child. Very inspirational for our child to see and hear. If you or your child are considering trying the cello, stop researching teachers because you’ve found an excellent one! We are so glad to have met Attila and look forward to watching our son’s journey with his teacher and this beautiful instrument unfold.

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Attila Szasz Cello Studio

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Attila Szasz Cello Studio

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