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Sergei Zyrianov

Los Angeles, CA 90038 (map)

Lessons Offered


Where are Lessons Offered

Virtual / Online

About Me

As a Berklee College of Music alumnus, Sergei applies its curriculum, approaches, and techniques that proved their effectiveness regardless of an age and level of students. Also, Sergei has an extensive educational experience including teaching the Guitar Performance Techniques, and Style classes for British Irish Modern Music Institute in Berlin, Gemany, and being enrolled in a post graduate certificate program in Learning and Teaching provided by University of Sussex, UK.

My Musical Education Background

Sergei began to hone his craft through a combination of private lessons and self-study, and later completed a Master in Guitar Certificate at the Berklee College of Music in Massachusetts, where he was awarded a Berklee Online Celebrity Scholarship in the name of Steve Vai. His principal teachers were the professors Rick Peckham, Bruce Saunders, Michael Williams, Tim Miller, Scotty Johnson and Joe Musella. Recently, Sergei became a Berklee mentor.

Lesson Rates

60 min - 35$

90 min - 40$

Ages / Skill Levels Taught

Having a wealth of knowledge as a tutor, he taught Guitar Performance Techniques at BIMM (British Irish Modern Music Institute) in Berlin, Germany, while earning a Postgraduate Learning and Teaching Certificate. With over 12 years of teaching experience Sergei has orchestrated a guitar school and taught many Masterclasses.

My Certifications and Awards

- Berklee College of Music Master Certificate

- Stive Vai's Celebrity Scholarship

- Herb Alpert Music Academy Fellowship

- University of Sussex Teaching and Learning Program

- "Fender Playloud" special award


My Musical Influences

Sergei has toured across Eastern Europe and Russia with the rock band of Russian celebrity Vadim Kurylev – Electric Guerillas. He has also gigged and performed at festivals with his own prog rock band, ScreamDriver, as well as writing and arranging the instrument parts for all the original songs on their album ‘A Turn in the Right Direction’.

Sergei is currently the leader of Los Angeles jazz quartet Deuces Wild Jazz. Known for his electrifying guitar sounds, charismatic live performances and trademark fusion of musical influences.

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