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Shannon Hunt

Santa Monica, CA 90405 (map)

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Where are Lessons Offered

In Teacher Studio

Virtual / Online

About Me

A little bit about me! 

I graduated from High Point University in 2006 with a BA in business and economics, but my love of music steered me to LA to pursue a career as a singer/songwriter.  Over the last 10 years, I have recorded two solo albums, opened for acts such as The Zac Brown Band and Sheryl Crow, co-fronted two pop duos, written jingles for Coca-Cola and Dasani, and had original songs featured in various film and TV projects.

You can still occasionally catch me on stage, but these days I focus on teaching!  My hybrid technique combining the “Speech Level Singing Method” and my own unique exercises, which I have honed for over a decade, will strengthen your voice and boost your confidence in any musical genre.  I work with singers of all levels and prides herself on making the experience positive, supportive and fun.

My Musical Education Background

I have been studtying voice for 25 years. Starting with voice lessons at 8 years old, I continued my vocal health education all through adolescence and college. I have my certification in the SLS (Speech Level Singing) method which focuses on connecting the voice from the bottom (chest voice) to the top (Head voice). This "mixing" method has been practiced by top singers around the globe. 

Genres and Subjects Taught

I teach the Speech Level Singing Method. Pop, Country, Soul, R&B, Pop Rock, Rock, Gospel, etc. 

Lesson Rates

My rates are $65 for a half an hour and $100 for an hour. 

Ages / Skill Levels Taught

From Beginner to Advanced, I take all students 12 and up. 

My Certifications and Awards

My Certifications are in the Speech Level Singing method. 

My Musical Influences

I love all types of music! My favorite genres are country and soul. I grew up on the sounds of Patsy Cline and the beautiful melodies and grooves of Motown. Although these are my favorites, I teach all genres of music. 

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