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Rena Panush Voice Studio

Los Angeles, CA 90066 (map)

Lessons Offered


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In Teacher Studio

My Musical Education Background

I have done research on the voice and have an MFA in vocal performance. During my grad school days i assisted in voice research and presented a paper about different vocal pedagogies. As mentioned in another spot, i also have learned a tremendous amount from my own private coaches.

Genres and Subjects Taught

I teach basic singing technique and then we get into the styles and repertoire that might interest you.

Lesson Rates

For the first month, my teaching rate is $70/hr. After that it goes up to $80/hr. I am gone for about 14 weeks during the course of the year, mostly in the summer and two weeks here and there so the amount you spend per year might be the same as someone charging less than I do. I have an MFA in vocal performance and have taught so called "tone deaf" students. I can teach ANYONE to sing. Your first lesson is one hour and after that for about 3 months, you come to me twice a week for two thirty minute lessons where we essentially build your voice and get your vocal habits established. It's sort of like going to the vocal gym twice a week until we are ready to work on songs of your choosing.

Ages / Skill Levels Taught

I teach all levels and specialize in helping those who have always wanted to sing find their voice. I have worked with so-called "tone deaf" students and with time and patience on both of our parts, it can be done. I prefer to start students no younger than 11 or so and suggest that they have taken or will be taking concurrently piano lessons. Once we get the basics down, i can teach you skills specific to the type of music you want to sing.

My Certifications and Awards

I have a BA from the University of Michigan and an MFA in vocal performance from the University of Florida. I have studied with many wonderful coaches mostly around NYC and learned a tremendous amount about the voice from them. I am a member of NATS (National Association of Teachers of Singing) and go to their pedagogy workshops to learn new teaching techniques and learn about voice research. I have sung many opera roles so feel very comfortable coaching aspiring opera singers as well as students who are interested in other styles and genres.

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