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Ramon Amira

New York, NY 10036 (map)

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Virtual / Online

My Musical Education Background

Ramon Amira is an American guitarist of Spanish descent, born in New York, who traces his Amira family back to fifteenth century Spain.  He started playing the guitar at the age of fifteen, then studied classical guitar with Juan de la Mata, and flamenco guitar and dance accompaniment with the great virtuosos Mario Escudero and Sabicas.  He continued his classical and flamenco guitar studies in Los Angeles with Vicente Gomez.

While living in Los Angeles he was the classical and flamenco guitar critic for the Los Angeles Times, and the flamenco guitar and dance critic for the L.A. Herald-Examiner, and has reviewed Andres Segovia, Carlos Montoya, Sabicas, Manitas de Plata, John Williams, Pepe Romero, Michael Lorimer, Cruz Luna, Luisa Triana, and many others.  He has given numerous classical and flamenco guitar recitals, and has accompanied many flamenco dancers,  among them Carmen Mora and Curro Santana.

He currently performs in the New York area as a classical and flamenco guitarist, and is a prominent teacher of guitar. He teaches all styles of guitar - popular, classical, and flamenco. He has given lecture/demonstrations on flamenco guitar and dance and the history of flamenco, and is writing a book on the evolution of flamenco guitar - the music, the instrument, the performers, and the techniques. 


Genres and Subjects Taught

Classical Guitar

Flamenco Guitar

Popular:  Broadway tunes - Old standards - Movie themes - Folk - Ethnic

Lesson Rates




RAMON AMIRA - (contact me) - (contact me)


Expert, relaxed, friendly, patient lessons with a performer, teacher, music critic, author. Many years experience as a noted performer and teacher. Within a short time you will learn how to play popular, classical, or flamenco guitar, and you will be playing full and satisfying solo classical guitar pieces, or authentic flamenco guitar music, or any kind of music or songs that you like.

I give you a solid foundation of basic technique, and I focus on the kind of music you like best. With basic guitar technique you will be able to play any kind of music you like - movie themes, Broadway songs, old standards, folk, ethnic, and popular music from any era, and classical and flamenco guitar.

POPULAR - I will teach you basic technique - how to play the guitar the right way - using your fingers. When you play with your fingers you can play both melody and harmony by yourself, and so the guitar becomes a true solo instrument. And as you learn how to play I use your favorite music and songs to teach you. In a short time you will be playing all the songs and music you always wanted to play.

CLASSICAL - For classical guitar I teach in the famed tradition of the Madrid school passing down all I learned from professors of classical guitar of the University of Madrid. You will learn all of the techniques used in playing classical guitar.

FLAMENCO - Student for many years of the great virtuosos Mario Escudero and Sabicas, I teach in their legacy of authentic traditional flamenco. You will learn all of the techniques used in flamenco, and just as importantly you will learn how to play the music and make it sound like flamenco.





Ages / Skill Levels Taught

Ten to any age.

Service Area

Student Reviews

Nashville, TN

A great teacher! I would highly recommend anyone that wants to learn flamenco (or classical… I guess if you are into that) to sign up for lessons. It’s been a dream of mine since I was in H.S. to learn flamenco, but it’s so hard to find a teacher, a live teacher not just videos. I’m so happy I found Ramon. Classes are via online video, so it works out perfectly especially these days. I’m always impressed at his ability to hear over video. He can pick out one wrong note (I occasionally do that), or a string out of tune. He really pays attention and offers just the right correction to improve my playing. I didn’t know any chords or how to read music, now I can play! It’s a lot of work and practice but I love it. Ole! On top of that, I bought my first luthier guitar through him, Francisco Navarro. It is a thing of beauty.

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