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Nancy Adams Studio

New York, NY 10025 (map)

Lessons Offered

Singing, Music

Where are Lessons Offered

In Teacher Studio

In Student Home

About Me

Member of the Board of Directors, and recent Vice President, of the New York Singing Teachers Association.

Please visit my website: (contact me) as well as my listing in NYSTA's Find A Teacher.

My Musical Education Background

Masters- Performance Voice
Advanced Training in Vocal Therapy

Genres and Subjects Taught

Vocal Technique and Coaching in All Genres--Classical/Opera, Broadway, and Pop/Rock

Ages / Skill Levels Taught


My Certifications and Awards

Fulbright Scholar

Founder and Director of the David and Nancy Adams Art Song Competition(NYSTA)

My Musical Influences

Oren Brown-Master Teacher and Author
Margaret Harshaw-Metropolitan Opera Soprano
Celine Dion
Christa Ludwig
Kirstin Flagstad

Service Area

Student Reviews

Garrison, NY

Thanks to the skill, musicality and enthusiasm of master teacher Nancy Adams, I have found my voice. Her tried & true bel canto technique yields quick results. Nancy is always generous with encouraging words when one hits a bump. Her warmth and humor has helped me to improve time and time again. She believes in her students & never gives up on them. Thanks so very much, Nancy Adams!

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Nancy Adams Studio

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Nancy Adams Studio

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