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Piano And Voice Music Studio Of Larissa Timochina

Northridge, CA 91324 (map)

Lessons Offered

Keyboard, Music, Music Theory, Piano, Singing

Where are Lessons Offered

In Teacher Studio

About Me

I am a dedicated music, piano and voice teacher for over 35 years. My Students are my Family and I am blessed with a wonderful experience to "raise my musical children" and send them on their life journeys with a wonderful gift - an ability to understand music language and a knowledge of how to use their skills to transform their feelings into emotional music performance disregard of their age or the level of study. It amazing how much I could learn from my students performances when they put their soul into it! Holding more than 18 years of Russian professional music education and teaching background and almost 25 years of teaching experience in the US, I incorporate all famous music teaching methods (Suzuki, Orff, Dalcroze, Kodaly, European, Russian and American) and design specific programs for each individual or a group which help me to achieve great results with my students of any age and turn enthusiasts into full-grown professionals.

My Musical Education Background

Associate Degree in Music Education and Bachelor Degree in Music & Arts with concentration in Piano Performance, Voice and Chorus (from Moscow, Russia). In The States studied at United Federation of Teachers in New York.

Genres and Subjects Taught

I admire and teach all musical styles and forms to my students (classical, Broadway, jazz, rock, blues, country, world...) to keep my Recital, Music Shows and Workshops to cover different specifics of music cultures. So, all of us- me, my students and the parents, could learn together, discover new "music wonders" and appreciate the music history of the entire Humanity.

Lesson Rates

INDIVIDUAL Lessons: $30/30 min. $43/45 min. $56/60 min. SEMI-PRIVATE Lessons (for 2 students): $23/30 min. each. GROUP Keyboard Classes 45 min (3-5 students) - $16 each student. Beginner or Siblings discounts from $1- $4 based on type and the length of a class.

Ages / Skill Levels Taught

Individual - ages 5 to adults ALL LEVELS. Semi-Private - only for students of the same age or level of study. Music Discovery group classes (3-5 students)- ages 3-5. Piano Ensemble (3-5 students) - ages 6-8/ 9-11/ teens.

My Certifications and Awards

Active Member of Music Teacher Assosiation of California

Service Area

Student Reviews

Van Nuys, CA

My grand kids loved a fun music classes they used to take with Larissa when they were 3 or 4. It was amazing to see how fast they've learned rhythm symbols and keys locations on a keyboard and how to play and sing along with an instrumental background.

Granada Hills, CA

My kids started taking piano lessons from Larissa when they were 6 and 9 years old. I found her on a recommendation from a friend. They had never played the piano before and Larissa made it fun while teaching them the piano techniques. She is patient, skilled and encouraging. They always had goals to work toward. There were several recitals a year... and later the when kids chose to take the Certification of Merit (CM) test for piano, Larissa helped them to prepare for it. They improved with each year and became proficient at the merit level they worked toward. They had fun learning new songs, and the collaboration with Larissa was nice, as they were also able to select songs they were interested in learning. I would recommend Larissa as a teacher for anyone wanting to learn to play and enjoy the piano.

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Piano And Voice Music Studio Of Larissa Timochina

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