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Michael Habermann

Baltimore, MD 21211 (map)

Lessons Offered

Piano, Music

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Virtual / Online

About Me


- Private piano instructor since 1974

- Classroom instructor, Peabody Conservatory of Music: Piano Literature (1986-2010). "Your website is the Bible of Piano Literature"

- Lecturer, Elderhostel (1989-2010). "If Dr. Habermann were in Japan he would be designated a 'living national treasure.'" (Dec. 13-17, 1999: Beethoven Piano Sonatas - A Survey)

- Piano Instructor, Music & Arts Center (1989-2020)

- Classroom teacher, Morgan State University (1986-93, 99)



Sorabji: A Legend in His Own Time, 1980. "Make no mistake: this is a historical record."

Sorabji: Le Jardin Parfumé, 1983. ". . . phenomenal pianistic mastery . . . No praise could be too high .."

Sorabji: Piano Music, Vol. 3, 1987. "It is unlikely that you will ever hear these works performed by anyone besides Michael Habermann. You will surely never hear them performed better. Michael Habermann's achievement cannot be overstated . . . an accomplishment beyond any but the most exceptional talents."

Sorabji: The Legendary Works, 1995. ". . . a pianist of genius with but a tiny handful of peers . . ."

Sorabji: Transcriptions and Other Works, 2003. "Habermann not only plays this music with intelligent, transcendent virtuosity, but also has internalized Sorabji's aesthetic to a far greater degree than most pianists, living or dead."

Sorabji: Legendary Works for Piano, 3-CD set, "The efforts of Michael Habermann . . . can only be described as heroic . . . coruscating color, breathtaking virtuosity, and go-for-broke nerviness."






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Michael Habermann plays Manuel M. Ponce's Intermezzo:

Michael Habermann Plays His Version of Happy Birthday:

Michael Habermann plays Fado No. 2 by Alexandre REY COLAÇO (From the album, Piano Music of Portuguese Romantic Alexandre REY COLAÇO (1854-1928), recorded by Michael Habermann, Educo 4114, © 1985):

Sorabji: Nocturne: "Djâmî" - Unpublished, unedited studio recording, June 1980, by Michael Habermann:


My Musical Education Background


Doctorate in Piano Performance (1985)
Masters in Composition (1979)
Bachelors in Music, Summa Cum Laude (1978)
Associate in Music, Magna Cum Laude (1976)

Of course, the process of educating oneself is endless. I am constantly reading, listening and thinking.

Genres and Subjects Taught

Piano lessons, since 1974.


In the classroom I have taught:

19th-century Piano Literature
Piano Music of the 20th Century
Beethoven Piano Sonatas - A Survey
Changing Styles of Piano Interpretation
Southpaw Pitching (Piano Music for One Hand)
Keyboard Wizards
Latin American Piano Music
A la maniere de... (Composers pay tribute to each other)
Codes, Ciphers, Motttos
Hyphenated Composers (Transcriptions)
Magnificent Obsession (Passacaglia, Chaconne, Ostinato)
Music in Mexico
Neglected Composers
Openers and Closers (Child Prodigies and Octagenarians)
Composers Reform and Make Amends (Revisions and Alterations)
Harmony I and II
Class Piano
Choral Literature
The World of Music (Music Appreciation)
Music History - The Baroque Period


Lesson Rates

$100 (virtual) for each half hour
$150 (travel) for each half hour.
$4.50 each minute, to and back (if travelling)

Ages / Skill Levels Taught



My Certifications and Awards


Career Development Grants, Peabody Conservatory of Music
Faculty Member, American College of Musicians
Chairman of Awards, American Liszt Society
Long & Widmont Memorial Award
Concerto competition winner, Nassau Community College


MEMBERSHIPS (some current, some expired)

Music Teachers National Association
Music Educators National Conference
Music Teachers Association of Greater Baltimore
Piano Guild
College Music Society
American Music Scholarship Association
Johns Hopkins University Alumni Association
American Liszt Society
Delius Society
Thalberg Society
Pi Kappa Lambda

My Musical Influences

I listen to music all of the time. Influences range from the marvelous recordings of Artur Schnabel and Ignaz Paderewski to amateurs on YouTube. From Gregorian Chant to Karlheinz Stockhausen.

I read all the time. Learning is a never-ending process.

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