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Martha Blakely, NCTM

Annapolis, MD 21401 (map)

Lessons Offered

Keyboard, Music, Music Theory, Piano, Singing

Where are Lessons Offered

In Teacher Studio

Virtual / Online

About Me

MARTHA BLAKELY, NCTM, has performed many solo and chamber music recitals in the USA, Europe, and Africa, including appearances with the North Miami Beach Symphony Orchestra, the Prince George's Philharmonic Concert Series, the Virginia Beach Community Orchestra Recital Series, the French Embassy in Washington, D.C., the German-American Institutes and America Houses throughout Germany, as well as the U.S. Embassies in Europe and Africa. She has also been heard over WGMS Radio in Washington, D.C., and WSCL Radio in Salisbury, Maryland. A winner of many Prince George's County Arts Council Individual Artist Grants in Music, Ms. Blakely has been described by the late Dr. Scott Huston, Professor of Composition at the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, as "one of the finest pianists in the U.S. today; her technique is solid, under such control that the most difficult of works sounds as if it were just child's play." The "Saarbrucken Zeitung" (Saarbrucken Newspaper in Germany) reported that "this exceptionally delicate pianist possessed an astonishingly energetic, dynamic touch which was delightful to hear." A named STEINWAY ARTIST, Martha Blakely studied as a scholarship student under John Quincy Bass, Bela Siki, and Richard Morris at the renowned University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music where she received the Bachelor of Music Degree in Piano Performance and also performed graduate studies. She has also studied piano under Thomas Schumacher, then professor at the University of Maryland (now professor at the Eastman School of Music); Thomas Mastroianni, professor at The Catholic University of America; and Helmut Hirshburger in Bonn, Germany. A Nationally Certified Teacher of Music, Martha Blakely is the ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE and Studio Manager at Jordan Kitts Music School in Beltsville, Maryland, where she has over 70 piano students. Before coming to Jordan Kitts Music in 1990, Ms. Blakely taught piano in Northern Virginia; Accra, Ghana; Kinshasa, Zaire; and Bonn, Germany. Ms. Blakely is a past Vice-President of the Maryland State Music Teachers Association, a member of the Music Teachers National Association and a Faculty Member and adjudicator for the National Guild of Piano Teachers. Martha Blakely resides in Annapolis, Maryland with her Teacup poodle, Cricket.

My Musical Education Background

Graduate studies in Piano performance at the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music and at the Catholic University of America

Bachelor of Music degree from the University of Cincinnati College-Consevatory of Music with a major in Piano Performance and a minor in voice

Piano studies under: Thomas Mastroianni, Thomas Schumacher, Richard Morris, Bela Siki, John Quincy Bass, and Helmut Hirshburger

Vocal studies under: Martha Ellison, Beverly Benso, and Jeannine Philippe

Genres and Subjects Taught

Piano (classical), Piano (popular), Piano Technique, Piano Pedagogy, Piano Ensemble, Music Theory, Ear-Training, Harmony

Private Lessons

Piano lessons for young children

Piano lessons for teenagers

Piano lessons for busy adults

Piano lessons for senior citizens

Competition and audition preparation

Students participate in Recitals, Competitions, National Guild of Piano Teachers yearly auditions/evaluations

Lesson Rates

1/2 hour private lesson is $50.00 per 1/2 hour

1 hour private lesson is $100.00 per hour

Piano coaching for is available for advanced students/professionals. Please contact me for details.

Also available as an accompanist for recitals and competitions and other events (call for rates)

Diploma programs available through the National Guild of Piano Teachers at an additional fee

Ages / Skill Levels Taught

All ages, beginners through advanced

My Certifications and Awards

MTNA nationally certified teacher of piano

MSMTA state certified teacher of piano

Faculty member and adjudicator for the National Guild of Piano

Named "Steinway Artist"

Many other awards (see "About Me" above)

My Musical Influences

Rachmaninoff, Chopin, Schumann, Beethoven, Debussy, Ravel, and others

Service Area

Student Reviews

College Park, MD

Martha Blakely is a great teacher! Without her instruction, I never would have reached my dreams of playing the piano. She has so much patience with me and never, ever intimidates me...I recommend her to ALL!

Silver Spring, MD

Thank you for being such a wonderful teacher to our daughter!

College Park, MD

I am so happy to have found Martha. I had always wanted to play piano and finally got the chance to take lessons as an adult. Martha is so helpful and patient and will explain concepts as many times as you need to grasp them. I have enjoyed my lessons very much and would recommend her highly for anyone who wants to learn.

College Park, MD

Dear Ms. Blakely, You have been the best piano teacher ever! Thank you for believing in me!

G., MD

I have a 10 year daughter old and a 7 year old daughter enrolled in piano lessons with Martha. I have seen a tremendous amount of progress in their ability to read and perform music. Martha's attention to detail and ability to get the best out of her students make her a great piano teacher.

Columbia, MD

Dear Martha, Just wanted to thank you for auditioning the students at our Columbia Guild Center earlier this year. After hearing from Kay P. about your "right-on" comments and your excellent ear, I do hope that someday my students will have the pleasure of being critiqued by you. Your kindness and help were much appreciated. Hope all is going with you. Sincerely,

College Park, MD

Martha, Thanks for everything you've done for me these past few years! Piano was, and will always be, a fun experience for me, and I'm very glad that you were my teacher!

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Dear Martha, Thank you for serving as the Fort Lauderdale Center Guild judge this year. I especially appreciated your knowledge of repertoire and of the Syllabus; and most especially your ability to communicate through effective use of the report card. Your comments were both kind and to the point. It was my pleasure to have you, Milton, and Cinnamon as my guests. Hope you had a good trip to the Keys, and safe home. Best always,

Potomac, MD

Dear Ms. Blakely, Thank you so much for being my piano teacher for the past 13 years. I have had a wonderful time learning how to play this amazing instrument and I would not have gotten this far without your endless guidance and support. Though I procrastinated too much and put off practicing until the last possible moment, I have enjoyed every minute with the piano and I know I will never forget the experiences I have had with it and the memories that I have with you. Thank you so much.

Silver Spring, MD

Dear Ms. Blakely, Thanks for being a wonderful piano teacher! Stephanie S.

Ellicott City, MD

I began my piano studies 2 1/2 years ago. I'm in my 60's and had never studied music before. Martha Blakely has been a wonderful teacher. She is a very experienced teacher and that is reflected in her patience, understanding, and encouragement of her students. She has been very helpful to me. As a beginning adult, I can't imagine having a better teacher. In recitals, her students of all ages show what an excellent teacher she is. I highly recommend her for adults and kids alike.

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Martha Blakely, NCTM

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