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David Bousso

New York, NY 10019 (map)

Lessons Offered

Conducting, Violin

Where are Lessons Offered

In Teacher Studio

In Student Home

About Me

I believe that every person has the ability to learn how to play the Violin or learn how to be a Conductor. My aim is to get the most out of the potential of each of my students. I teach from beginning through advanced levels. Each person is different and my goal is to guide each of my students to achieve new heights both musicially and personally.

My Musical Education Background

I began my musical studies at age 5 at the Manhattan School of Music Pre-College Division. There I studied Violin, Conducting, Music Theory, History and Voice. I continued my education in music performance and received both my Bachelors and Masters Degree from Mannes School of Music. I am a member of the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra which is directed by Maestro Daniel Barenboim. Former Music Director of The Chicago Symphony Orchestra and Music Director for Life of the State Opera House in Berlin, Germany. I am the Artistic Director and Conductor of the Empire Chamber Orchestra which is based in New York City. I teach Violin and Conducting privately in New York City and concertize worldwide.

Genres and Subjects Taught

I teach various styles in violin, chamber music and orchestral repertoire beginning from the Baroque era through music by modern composers worldwide.

Ages / Skill Levels Taught

I teach from ages 5 and up of all levels.

My Certifications and Awards

I received the Barenboim-Said award for excellence in music performance. I was the first prize winner of the New England Music Camp Concerto Competition.

My Musical Influences

Daniel Barenboim is my biggest a influence both as a musician and as a humanitarian.

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