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John Huldt

Santa Monica, CA 90403 (map)

Lessons Offered

Bass, Composition, Guitar, Keyboard, Music Theory, Piano, Music

Where are Lessons Offered

In Teacher Studio

In Student Home

About Me

Hi! My name is John Huldt. I am originally from Sweden but have lived in Los Angeles since 2006. I've been playing guitar/piano for about 16 years and teaching for 13. -Learn how to play with the music you love -Individually planned lessons -Affordable lessons with no contracts -Flexible schedule that works for you -Acoustic and electric guitar, piano and keyboards. -All styles, all levels, all ages -Earn free (unlimited) lessons with generous referral system -Online lessons available world wide -Lessons also available in Swedish All my lessons are individually structured (because we are all different as people so everyone learns in different ways) and I put a huge emphasis on understanding and practical use. Everything I teach you, I will explain why you're learning it, what it's for and how you use it. I also use the music YOU like as the foundation for my lessons. I can teach you anything you need and want to know with the music you love. I don't think anyone ever picked up an instrument for any other reason than they wanted to play the music they liked. So that's what I do :) I work full time as a musician in LA and I'm also touring with the metal band Ampora, have 2 solo CDs out, do a ton of acoustic solo shows and do clinics, workshops both in the US and abroad. I am endorsed by Elmwood Amps, T Rex pedals, Mad Professor pedals, George El cables, Kemper Amps, Seymour Duncan pickups and Oceanaut watches :) I currently live in beautiful Santa Monica. You can come to me, I can come to you or we can do lessons online via Skype!

My Musical Education Background

Music major at Spyken in Lund, Sweden LA Music Graduate in 2007 (where I now teach) Thousands upon thousands of hours with my instruments Several tours. 13 years of teaching.

Genres and Subjects Taught

Pop, Rock, Country, Bluegrass, Metal, Funk , Blues you name it, I play it :)
Technique and theory is interwoven with all these genres so regardless of what you play, you'll get that too :)

Lesson Rates

At my studio in Santa Monica: $30/30min, $40/45min and $50/hour
If I come to you (within 15 miles): $50/45 mins and $60/hour
Online via Skype: $20/30min, $30/45min and $40/hour

Ages / Skill Levels Taught

7 years and up (as a general, I have taught younger when the interest was there)

My Certifications and Awards

I have won a bunch of stuff but... Really, the only people who care about certificates in music are other people with certificates. It sounds silly but it is the truth :)

My Musical Influences

Everything I have ever heard and liked. From Beethoven to Slayer to Bob Marley to Tommy Emmanuel to Brad Paisley to the Beatles to Led Zeppelin. The list goes on forever. I just love music :)

Service Area

Student Reviews

Santa Monica, CA

"John Huldt has been my teacher for around 3 years and I have become a much better player from his lessons. He can teach me anything I want to learn with no problem and will always answer my questions. Mr Huldt knows what he is doing and I wouldn't love music without his lessons."

Lund (Sweden Via Skype), CA

John Huldt is a sensitive listener to my wishes and my ability. I appreciate his sharing of memorizing technique and I find it easy to discuss matters with him. He has a good sense of my needs and difficulties and a big portion of patience that makes me feel comfortable and never stressed. He is observant and gives advice that is worth a lot to me.

Santa Monica, CA

"Not only is John Huldt an amazing musician and guitar player, he's a fantastic teacher! My son has been taking lessons from John for over 3 years, in that time he has learned a variety of playing styles as well as music theory. He loves taking classes from John and has really grown as a musician, I highly recommend John Huldt!"

Santa Monica, CA

"I like John because he explains really well and we play fun songs like Justin Bieber"

Philadelphia (via Skype), PA

Ok....I seriously just played guitar for five hours straight minus the time it took me to make my last post. Pretty sure that's never been done before in my lifetime. Amazing how big a blaze a couple lessons from Mr. John Huldt will light under ya ass! Seriously....I've been playing for.....hell damn near forever and I've never been able to a) figure out what the hell I'm really doing or b) actually get any better. Just sat and tried to learn a buncha different sh*t outta god knows how many different books......sh*t that did me absolutely no good cuz I still didn't have a clue what to do with it, how to apply it or why. Two lessons from John and things are all starting to make sense. I'm well on my way and totally excited to study and practice cuz I know I'm not treading water anymore. Guitar has become fun again. 5 hours...no computer....no tv...no smoke breaks! You serious? That's just bananas!!!!!!

Fresno, CA

"John is a great teacher and really patient if you can't get something right away. Plus you can learn any song and any style and it's really easy."

Culver City, CA

"I have been taking lessons with John for over 1 year and my progress has been amazing. John's method of understanding is all about understanding, patience and taking it one step at a time... Keep rocking!

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