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Gibson School Of Music And Arts

Philadelphia, PA 19120 (map)

Lessons Offered

Bass, Cello, Clarinet, Composition, Drums, Euphonium, Flute, Guitar, Keyboard, Music Theory, Organ, Percussion, Piano, Saxophone, Singing, Trumpet, Viola, Violin

Where are Lessons Offered

In Teacher Studio

In Student Home

About Me

The school is a music conservatory where private lessons are taught on virtually every instrument including composition, theory, voice, dance, drama and fine/graphic art. All styles of music are taught at the school. Instrumental technical skills are also provided, emphasized & demonstrated. Sight reading, theory, harmony & ear training are tooled. GSMS instituted classes called “Giant Steps” for our toddlers. Recitals and concerts are held throughout the year in our recital hall that seats 175 students. In addition, we have a music retail store where we sell and repair instruments, accessories, CDs, books and sheet music. The near future scope is to have the ability to provide instruments for rental for the students. Ensembles and bands provide special music for studio recording, concerts, weddings, banquets and events. Music scoring is also offered.

My Musical Education Background

Bachelor and Master Degrees in music education and performance and experience achieved by teachers

Genres and Subjects Taught

We teach Classical, Jazz, R&B, Country, Rock and Inspirational Music.

Lesson Rates

30 minutes - $24.00 private music lesson
60 minutes - $48.00 private music lesson

Ballet, Jazz, Tap Lessons- $100.00 per month

Giant Step Lessons (Toddlers) - $15.00 per week (1 hour session, Saturday - 9:00 - 10:00 am

Registration Fee $25.00 per student

Ages / Skill Levels Taught

Giant Step Classes - Ages 2.5 years old to 5 y.o.

Ballet, Tap, Jazz - 3 y.o to 18 y.o.

Private music lessons - 5 years old to senior

My Certifications and Awards

Jameel Roberts - Grammy award nominee
Winston Gay- Grammy award member

My Musical Influences

Bach, Beethoven, Andre Watts, Herbie Hancock, Chick Corea,

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Gibson School Of Music And Arts

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Gibson School Of Music And Arts

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