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Amy's Voice Studio

Los Angeles, CA 90066 (map)

Lessons Offered

Singing, Violin

Where are Lessons Offered

Virtual / Online

About Me

Hello, my name is Amy . I am 44 years old and have been teaching  since January of 2017. Singing is my passion and after thirty years of performing I decided to focus on education to share with others what I learned. My approach  is one of positivety and safety. All you need is a love of song. Then your comfidence will improve in no time.  Hope to sing with you soon.

My Musical Education Background

My love of music began in the fourth and fith grades with my elementary school talent show. The performances were well received. In midddle school I started formal vocal training by joining the choir. Slowly my hard work paid off. In seveth grade I was a finalist in my first solo competition. By eighth grade I was invited to join the school's top choir. High school saw me adding private lessons and church choir to the mix. Many summers found me at music camp. Singing has been in my soul since a young age. And it will always be there.

Genres and Subjects Taught

I teach the following styles Classical Folk Sacred and Musical Theater. The subjects  I specialize  in are Vocal Technique and Music Preformance. Topics like breathing, range, and pitch,and finding the emotion of the song will be addressed.

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Ages / Skill Levels Taught

I teach  teen and adult students beginner to advanced.

My Certifications and Awards

Kwanis Club Solo Competition Finalist 1992, 1994-1996

Southern California Vocal Association Honor Choir 1993, 1996-1997

Southern California Vocal Association Solo Competition Finalist 1997

My Musical Influences

My biggest influence is the 1960's folk singer Judy Collins. Both of us began as classical soprano's. As teens we discovered folk music and were transformed by its storytelling power and messeges of hope and peace. Though we may have left the classical world for popular music our early training gave  us the foundation we needed to  preform many different styles. 

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